Getting Into Your SHAPE – You are Gifted!

Getting Into Your SHAPE - You are Gifted!

Getting into Your S.H.A.P.E. You are Gifted!

Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12





  • DISCOVER 1 Timothy 4:14
  • DEDICATE Romans 6:13
  • DEVELOP 2 Timothy 1:6
  • DEPLOY! Romans 12:6

Spiritual Gifts

Administration: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by effectively organizing resources and people in order to efficiently reach ministry goals.

Apostleship: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by launching and leading new ministry ventures that advance God’s purposes and expand his kingdom.

Discernment: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by recognizing truth or error within a message, person, or event.

Encouragement (Exhortation): The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by helping others live God-centered lives through inspiration, encouragement, counseling, and empowerment.

Evangelism: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by sharing the love of Christ with others in a way that draws them to respond by accepting God’s free gift of eternal life.

Faith: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by stepping out in faith in order to see God’s purposes accomplished, trusting Him to handle any and all obstacles along the way.

Giving: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by joyfully supporting and funding various kingdom initiatives through material contributions beyond the tithe.

Helping (Service): The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by offering assistance in reaching goals that glorify God and strengthen the body of Christ.

Hospitality: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by providing others with a warm and welcoming environment for fellowship.

Knowledge: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by communicating God’s truth to others in a way that promotes justice, honesty, and understanding.

Leadership: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by casting vision, stimulating spiritual growth, applying strategies, and achieving success where God’s purposes are concerned.

Mercy: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by ministering to those who suffer physically, emotionally, spiritually, or relationally. Their actions are characterized by love, care, compassion, and kindness toward others.

Pastoring (Shepherding): The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by taking spiritual responsibility for a group of believers and equipping them to live Christ-centered lives.

Prophecy: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by offering messages from God that comfort, encourage, guide, warn, or reveal sin in a way that leads to repentance and spiritual growth.

Teaching: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by teaching sound doctrine in relevant ways, empowering people to gain a sound and mature spiritual education.

Wisdom: The God-given special ability to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by making wise decision and counseling others with sound advice, all in accordance with God’s will.

Description found in Eric Rees’ book S.H.A.P.E.


Pastor First Baptist Church Monticello

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