No Greater Love

No Greater Love

No Greater Love

Jesus Anointed at Bethany Matthew 26, Mark 14 and John. 12

#1 Changed Life #1 Simon the Healed Leper

Jesus is the Healer, Lord over every disease.

#2 Changed Live #2 Lazarus the Living

Jesus Conquered Death

#3 Changed Life #3 Mary the Worshipper

Jesus Deserves Our Very Best

Ways to Redeem these Tough Days

Worship Our Great God Personal and Corporate Worship

Grow Closer to Jesus Christ Prayer Bible Study Don’t waist this opportunity

Serve God by Serving Others Family, Church Family, Neighbors take care of those who God has placed you around. It is time to be sensitive to those beyond your family.

Share the Gospel This is a time when the Gospel. You can help people have hope and peace in the calm of these tough days.


Pastor First Baptist Church Monticello