Rebuilding Nehemiah 4

Rebuilding Nehemiah 4

Y.A.C. – Yards After Contact
Nehemiah 4

#1 There will be OPPOSITION to rebuilding. v. 1-3

#2 PRAYER is the right first response to opposition. vv. 4-5

#3 HARD WORK pays off. v. 6

#4 Opposition may be CONSTANT. vv. 7-9

#5 The MOMENT OF TRUTH for rebuilding. vv. 10-14

#6 A great PICTURE of the Christian Soldier. vv. 15-23

#7 VICTORY comes for those who refuse to quit. Nehemiah 7:1

To finish strong it requires:

  • Faith
  • Focus
  • Willingness to Fight
  • Lead to the Finish Line

Pastor First Baptist Church Monticello

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