Rebuilding Nehemiah 6

Rebuilding Nehemiah 6


More Opposition! – Nehemiah 6:1-19

#1 Opposition from WITHOUT. v. 1-9

#2 Opposition from WITHIN. vv. 10-15

#3 Constant opposition through RELATIONSHIPS. vv. 16-19

#4 God will provide the victory if DON’T QUIT.  Nehemiah 7:1

#5 Opposition from WITHIN ourselves.

Nehemiah’s example of perseverance:

  • Passionate about the things of God
  • Child of God
  • Prayerful – Trusted God with his life and work
  • Bold before the king
  • Thoughtful planner inspected the wall developed a plan
  • Gave recognition when it was due Chapter 3
  • Fierce fighter
  • Man of Justice helping the poor
  • Generous
  • Exercised Self-Control
  • Prayerful
  • Finisher – Sometimes it not how you start it’s how you finish.
  • Man of Focus – Did not let anything distract him from the work God called him to do.




Pastor First Baptist Church Monticello

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