We Believe The Scripture

We Believe The Scripture

WE BELIEVE – The Scripture

#1 The Strength of I Believe and We Believe.

  • Faith is KNOWING
  • Faith is TRUSTING
  • Faith is FOLLOWING
  • Faith is OBEYING

#2 A Strong belief in the Scriptures is not a LEAP OF FAITH.

#3 You can trust the Bible because of its:

  • SCIENTIFIC Accuracy
  • HISTORICAL Accuracy
  • Amazing UNITY
  • Fulfilled PROPHECY
  • Place in HISTORY

Head, Heart, and Hand Response

1. I / We must accept the Bible as a perfect treasure of divine instruction.

2. I / We must trust the Bible and commit my /our lives to being “People of the Book.”

3. I / We must receive and apply the Bible in our lives.


Pastor First Baptist Church Monticello

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