TMinus 40

T-Minus The Plan

T-Minus The Plan

Speaker: | June 05, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension Acts 1:8-11 #1. CONSTANT POWER   #2. CLEAR PURPOSE   #3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN   Jerusalem Judea/Samaria Ends of the Earth   Acts   Acts 1:12-8:3   Acts 8:4-11:18...

T-Minus 40 The Gift

T-Minus 40 The Gift

Speaker: | May 29, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension Acts 1:1-8 #1.  AN ACCURATE ACCOUNT Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable...

T-Minus 40 Our Mission

T-Minus 40 Our Mission

Speaker: | May 22, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension Matthew 22:37-40; 28:19-20 A Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will lead to a GREAT LIFE AND A GREAT CHURCH. #1.  WORSHIP...

TMinus 40 Restoration

TMinus 40 Restoration

Speaker: | May 15, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension John 21:15-25 #1.  LOVE DEEPLY. vv. 15-17 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your...

T-Minus 40 Part 3

T-Minus 40 Part 3

Speaker: | May 08, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension John 21:1-14 #1.  THE REST OF THE STORY. v. 1 #2.  I’D RATHER BE FISHIN’. vv. 2-3 #3.  EVERYTHING CHANGES WHEN JESUS SHOWS UP. vv. 4-6 #4....

T-Minus 40 Road to Emmaus

T-Minus 40 Road to Emmaus

Speaker: | May 01, 2017

Putting the Pieces Together Luke 24:13-35 #1.  JESUS WALKS WITH YOU. vv.13-16 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,...

T MINUS 40 Week 1

T MINUS 40 Week 1

Speaker: | April 23, 2017

40 Days with Jesus Between His Resurrection and Ascension John 20:19-29 #1.  JESUS REPLACES FEAT WITH PEACE. vv.19-20 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world...